About us
Legal recruitment solutions online and in print.
Law Gazette Jobs
Law Gazette Jobs is the dedicated legal recruitment website from the market-leading, official magazine of the Law Society - the Law Society Gazette. The site continues to grow year after year, delivering nearly 32,755 unique browsers monthly – an ABC audited traffic figure (July 2018 - June 2019).
Recruiters - showcase your vacancies to an audience that has a long and trusted relationship with the Gazette. With options across the Gazette network, you can take advantage of a network audience of 385,375 unique browsers monthly (ABC, July 2018 - June 2019).
Job seekers - get instant access to the latest legal jobs searchable by key criteria. Sign up for jobs by email to tailor your job search to your preferences and receive corresponding jobs direct to your inbox, helping you to find the ideal match.
Law Society Gazette
With an ABC of 81,178 (July 2018 – June 2019), the Law Society Gazette is the dominant force in legal publishing. Every practising solicitor in England and Wales is entitled to a copy.
For over 100 years it has provided comprehensive and incisive coverage of all areas of the law, both at home and abroad. From the high street to City boardrooms, the Gazette reports on and analyses all the issues affecting lawyers.
Recruiter advertising information
To find out how to advertise your vacancies on Law Gazette Jobs and in the Gazette, please call us on 020 8049 4000 or email